Japanese scientists discover miracle healing water….
Fact or fairy tale?
Has medical science discovered the magic bullet to
boost energy levels and make you feel years younger?

It was a moment I would never forget...
I opened my eyes and a doctor was standing there with a firm look on his face…
“It will take a while to recover… I'm sorry to say this… ”
“You were in a car accident… You’re lucky to be alive.”
What… I don’t understand…
What do you mean? What happened?
“Sir, you hit a tree while driving… you have broken 2 ribs and have serious trauma to your head”
I was confused…
My mind was racing… Was this because I fell asleep behind the wheel?
I asked the doctor and he confirmed it with a nod
"Yes, unfortunately that appears to have been the cause of the accident."
I Fell Asleep Behind The Wheel Because Of My Low Energy Problems And Poor Health
I had been suffering from low energy for years now and my job was extremely stressful.
I was having difficulty keeping up with the stresses of a modern lifestyle.
Deadlines I needed to meet, social obligations, and lots of trouble sleeping.
My coworker woke me up behind my desk more than once because I fell asleep.
I was exhausted and felt burned out.
And this also wasn’t the first time I got into an accident.
But this time it seemed like I almost lost my life.
It’s crazy how your energy levels and state of health can impact your life.
So why am I telling you this?
I’m telling you this because I found the solution to turn my life around.
I Was Able To Bring Back My Energy Levels And Natural State Of Health!
I used a 100% natural remedy to activate a hidden energy switch within my body.
And you can too.
It is your birthright to boost your energy levels and feel years younger.
It is your birthright to have a vibrant state of health, to have the energy to do what you love, and look your best in the mirror.
And in a moment you’ll learn exactly what I did and how a chance encounter with a mysterious Japanese doctor saved my life.
If it wasn’t for this Japanese doctor I would now be six feet under the ground.
He gave me a special type of water that gave me back my energy.
This healthy water gave me back my life.
This Strange Revitalizing Water Has The Potential To Boost Energy Levels And Make You Feel Years Younger

We’ve seen it have unbelievable success with people.
It has brought people from all walks of life back to a vibrant state of health.
It has the potential to help someone rebound from the wear and tear of a stressful life.
Sounds too good to be true?
Well I thought so too but I'm so glad I suspended my disbelief and tried this out.
Back then when I was lying in the hospital, feeling shocked and hopeless after my car accident, I knew nothing about health.
All I knew was to listen to the doctors and take my medication.
Yet this encounter with death was what forced me on the unlikely journey that completely reversed my idea of natural health.
Since that day, I’ve discovered the scientific proof that you can boost your energy levels and feel years younger.
In a moment you’ll see the evidence with your own eyes.
You can be sure it’s NOT what you think.
Forget what you’ve heard about supporting health and increasing energy levels, when they told you it’s caused by:
- Your genetics or family history
- Your age, your weight, or even…
- Eating too much fat, sugar, or carbs
The truth, according to scientists from right here in the USA and validated by several other highly reputable institutions, is that the root cause of low energy is inflammation.
If Inflammation Is Not Lowered It Can Negatively Impact Health And Cause Fatigue
It has been shown that human health and energy levels are directly correlated to the amount of inflammation in the body.
Most people are suffering from high levels of inflammation and might not even know they are.
The high levels of inflammation are often caused by different toxins in our environment and our food supply.
We’re surrounded by different chemicals, pollution, and EMF radiation on a daily basis. And even stress and lack of sleep contribute to chronic inflammation in the body.
All of this leads to low energy levels because the body can’t function properly.
The inflammation lingers in the body and leads to fatigue over time.
So stay with me for the next few minutes of this short article. Because I’m about to reveal how to bring back natural energy levels and support health by drinking a special type of water.
And no, It’s not alkaline water or anything of the sort. You’ve most likely never heard of this unique type of water that I’m about to reveal to you.
It’s a type of water that’s so incredibly revitalizing that I would personally describe it as being miraculous.
I’ll also show you how some shady powers behind the scenes have set up a clever trap to hide this information from you. Its purpose is nothing short of tricking you to take their supplements for the rest of your life.
And I’m going to share the exact type of water that helped regain my life force energy, helped me shed body fat, and reactivated a natural state of health within me.
Check out my transformation here:

The solution is as simple as drinking water infused with a special type of natural gas that targets and reverses the root cause of fatigue and revitalizes the body.
We should all be drinking this water if we want to live in a state of optimal health, look good in the mirror, and have tons of youthful energy.
Anybody can use this natural water-based method:

No matter if you’re 40, 50, 60, 70, or even 80 years of age.

If you’re a woman or a man.

No matter if you’re suffering from energy issues, feel unwell and fatigued during the day, or just want to prevent these issues in the future.
I guarantee you that you can safely use this vitalizing water yourself.
And even if it only causes you to feel better and wake up more refreshed, it’ll be worth it.
I was a bit skeptical about trying it myself, but when death stared me in the face, I was ready to try anything. And thank god I did because now I’m no longer in danger in traffic and I’m able to do all the things I thought I’d never be able to do again…
Freeing Myself From Low Energy And Becoming Healthy Allowed Me To Rebuild My Life
I now have the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want.
I have the energy to go out with my wife, to play with my little nephews, and most of all, I’ll never have to worry about energy problems again…
This magnificent water has now helped over 32,242 people live healthy and vibrant lives again.

People like Peter, 67 from San Fransico who wrote to say:
I’m very glad I came across your work. I used your method and was able to boost my energy levels and I feel more energetic than I have in years.
I almost feel like I won the lottery. That’s seriously how I feel. I feel years younger and can do anything I want with my family again. I have great health and a lot of gratitude.

And Jessica, 53 from Chicago says:
I used to struggle with low energy symptoms. I mean, they were always vague symptoms. General low energy, afternoon dips, weight gain, and not being able to get out of bed. I eventually had a burnout and the daily fatigue I experienced was horrible.
The first glass of hydrogen water made me feel amazing. I didn’t expect it to have such quick effects. It made me feel warm inside. I can’t explain it.. I just had more energy! It has made me feel much more healthy and alive. Thank you so much John! You are my hero!

Or Rosa, 53 from Dallas who wrote:
Hi John.
The method you shared online helped me overcome my burnout and low-energy issues. It’s so wonderful to wake up every morning feeling like I’m 10 years younger.
I never thought I would have so much energy at 53 years old. It’s a delight to be able to play all day with my grandchildren. I feel like I have my life back, thank you!
You’re About To See Exactly How To Revitalize The Body And Reactivate a Natural State of Health
And when you see how these people got back their energy and reactivated a natural state of health, you’ll wish you’d found out about it years ago…
You don’t know about this discovery that activates our internal energy switch because most doctors won’t talk about or don’t even know about it.
- It’s not some type of supplement pill
- It’s not some type of medication
- It’s not the latest fad diet or exercise plan
It’s nothing like that. The simplicity of this solution will surprise you and perhaps even anger you.
Pay close attention and read this article until the end because it might be taken down in days and you can’t find this information anywhere else.
The 524-billion-dollar supplement industry is furious about it and is pressuring me with legal threats to remove it from this website.
The Big Supplement Companies Don’t Want You To Know About This…
And if you’re a victim of low energy, fatigue, or a lack of optimal health, you have to know one thing:
It’s not your fault.
If I didn’t meet Dr. Kobayashi and started drinking the amazing water he gave me, I would have never made it.
The big supplement companies have been feeding us lies ever since we were born. We aren’t taught much about health and how it really works.
All they care about is making sure you become a lifetime customer. And they do everything in their power to hide the truth from you and me.

Dr. Kobayashi taught me that inflammation is the root cause of low energy and fatigue. And he told me how inflammation is best countered with the use of antioxidants.
This is for instance why Vitamin C is so good for us because it’s an antioxidant that counters inflammation in the body.
However, antioxidants like Vitamin C can only do so much. They pale in comparison to nature’s most powerful antioxidant, which is the one I’m about to reveal to you.
You see, there’s one antioxidant that rules over all antioxidants.
And that antioxidant is… Hydrogen.
Hydrogen Is Nature’s Most Powerful Antioxidant That Brings Back Vibrant Health And Increases Energy Levels
Hydrogen is nature’s most tiny element. Yet this tiny element is the most powerful antioxidant known to man.
Its antioxidant powers are unparalleled.

The antioxidant powers of hydrogen are so powerful, that it could most likely put ALL of the big supplement companies out of business.
So as you can understand, it’s quite risky for me to even tell you about this. The big supplement companies don’t like it when people like me spread the truth.
However, I would not be able to look at myself in the mirror if I didn’t spread this information. I’ve now made it my life’s mission to help people utilize the power of hydrogen to live healthier lives free from fatigue.
And do you know what’s so crazy?
Modern science has known about the amazing effects of hydrogen for a long time now. It has been studied countless times with extraordinary results.
However, because it’s such a threat to the big supplement companies, it has largely been suppressed and kept hidden from the general public.
And you are about to discover how you can use this powerful natural gas to bring back your body to its natural state of health.
Over 700 Studies In World’s Most Reputable Scientific Journals Have Shown The Beneficial Effects Of Hydrogen
The over 700 scientific studies (1) undoubtedly show that hydrogen is a powerful weapon to boost energy levels and maintain an optimal state of health.

Hydrogen has also been shown to increase energy, lessen fatigue, improve the immune system, reduce fat cells, increase brain function, reduce wrinkles, increase youthfulness, speed up recovery time and so many more things.
Part of the secret of hydrogen is that it’s such a tiny molecule. Because of its small size it can literally reach anywhere in the body and neutralize the free radicals that are causing the inflammation.
However, hydrogen is a natural gas and is therefore hard to ingest.
To solve that issue it has to be added to water to create Hydrogen Water. When this is done it can make any simple glass of water into a health potion.
It’s a revolutionary discovery when it comes to natural health.
Drinking Hydrogen Water Is The Hidden Key To Boosting Levels And Living a Healthy Life
Imagine being free from low energy problems for good and living a life of vibrant health…
- No more worries about how you’re going to get through the day
- No more fear about not being able to do fun activities and hobbies
- No more having to feel like your body is working against you and your dreams
- No more blowing money on ineffective energy boosters like coffee and energy drinks
- No more worry about not being able to perform at work and ruining your career
In a moment I will share how to start activating your energy switch by drinking hydrogen water to increase your energy.
I’ll show you why taking hydrogen water is the best way to lower the harmful inflammation that causes low energy and doesn’t support health…
And I Will Show You How You Can Make Hydrogen Water Yourself To Have This Miracle At Your Disposal 24/7…
Before I tell you all these things, it’s probably best if I introduce myself.
Hi my name is John and in my former life I was an engineer. Now everything is so different.
Together with my wife, we help people experience the health benefits of hydrogen water.
We’re so happy together and we even have a little girl on the way as I’m typing this. It’s so hard to believe I’m living this life now.

The same goes for my wife. Her life also changed the moment she came into contact with this miracle water.
20 years ago I was working as an engineer in a beer company in Milwaukee.
Yes they paid me to make machines that produce beer.
It was a good life and I enjoyed it. But for some reason there were never any highs.
The lows weren’t that low but the highs weren’t that high. It was good but dull.
And then one cold November month I started noticing I had less energy…
It started with just general low energy and fatigue. I would just power through it.
Then it got worse and worse. So tired sometimes I had to fight to get myself out of bed. Even after 8 hours of sleep.
When I got home I would just be completely zapped of energy. After every shower, I would find more and more hair in the drain.
I was only 47… I thought. “What the hell is happening to me?”
It kept on getting worse and I had aches in my body.
I thought it would just all pass but it didn’t. I tried to pretend that I was okay but deep down inside I knew something was wrong…
I never was that interested in diet or eating healthy. Just not my cup of tea. I was healthy anyway.
My mother was into natural healing herbs and living healthy but I didn’t really care.
My routine was packed with attempts to boost my energy: from endless cups of coffee to energy drinks, nothing seemed to work long-term.
Worse, I started feeling the wear and tear on my body from my active lifestyle and high-stress job. It seemed like my body was just not recovering the way it used to.
Then my sleep really got worse and it was a big hit.
I nodded off behind the wheel while driving back from work...
And I ended up hitting a tree by the side of the road. My car was totally wrecked.
I woke up a couple of days later in the hospital. Not knowing what had happened.
At that moment I was determined to find out how to increase my energy levels and state of health.
It took a few months to recover from the fractures I had. However it was still painful to walk.
I started doing all kinds of healing modalities from healing herbs to Reiki, different diets, supplements, juice cleanses, fasting, and many more.
Some things seemed to have a slight effect but never got to the root of the problem.
But then things took an unexpected turn…
I Decided To Take A Small Trip To Japan. It Was This Decision That Changed Everything…
It was always my big dream to go there. Something about that country and the people fascinated me.
So I bought a ticket with my savings and off I was.
Somehow my “gut feeling” was that I could maybe find something in Japan that could help me.
I landed in Tokyo and was amazed. Such a busy city and such an interesting culture.
It really gave me such a sense of freedom. I almost forgot that I was unwell sometimes. But the fatigue was an unfriendly reminder that I wasn’t doing great.
After 2 days of sightseeing, I started to feel anxious. Am I wasting my time here? I mean I should focus on my health, right?

I thought maybe I just need to go back to the US.
I felt hopeless.
One day I decided to go for a walk in the city. Just to clear my head and to get some clarity around what I had to do.
After almost an hour of walking, I felt that my legs were tired. I had to sit down somewhere.
The problem was that almost everything was closed. It was already later in the evening.
All I Could Find Was This Dusty Old Japanese Bar. It Was Here That I Made A Life Changing Discovery…

I entered the bar and there were already people there. It was rather quiet and there was a ZEN-like feeling to this bar. Not just an ordinary bar but a place where people could relax.
I ordered a glass of water and sat down on one of the bar stools. I was the only person drinking water in the whole place it seemed.
After being there for 10 minutes, thinking constantly about my low energy and poor state of health.
I suddenly heard a voice: “Do you mind if I sit next to you? It’s my standard spot”.
I started talking with the man and told him everything about my low energy and car accident.
I told this man everything. He just listened. It felt so liberating to share my story with this stranger in this dusty old Japanese bar.
Little Did I Know This Man Was About To Change My Life Forever...
After talking for a while the man introduced himself and said: “My name is Dr. Kobayashi and thank you for sharing about your struggles with low energy. I’m actually a scientist and I’m currently studying the healing effects of a specific type of water.”
“My team and I have done experiments where we combined water with hydrogen and studied the revitalizing effects it can have on the body. Our test results have been amazing so far. We’ve found that it does wonders for boosting energy levels, lowering inflammation, and speeding up the recovery of the body.”
I was all ears after this. The energy boosting effects of Hydrogen water? I’ve never heard about this, my doctors never mentioned that this even exists.
“If you want, you can come over tomorrow to the lab and try out some of the hydrogen water. There’s still one spot left for our experiment tomorrow.”

“Uhh YES! I will come over tomorrow… I replied.”
“Okay meet me at 1 PM at my lab. Here’s the address” said Dr. Kobayashi, while he handed me a small piece of paper with the address.
You can imagine what happened next… I could barely sleep that night. I was so excited. Could this help me? I felt a sense of hope.
I Was About To Try Hydrogen Water For The First Time And Then Something Unexpected Happened…
So the next day I show up at Dr. Kobayashi’s lab. I was 30 minutes early just to make sure I didn’t miss this opportunity.
Dr. Kobayashi invited me in and took me to the back of his lab.
There was a big enormous machine there. It looked like something from a Star Trek movie.
“This is our very own hydrogen water machine. It is called Anoroma. Anoroma makes high-quality hydrogen water from normal tap water.” said Dr. Kobayashi.
He explained that it took years to develop this device. In total it cost him and his team $32.000 to create it.

Dr. Kobayashi switched on the device and it started making loud sounds. It was quite impressive to see. He then asked me to grab a glass from the cupboard. I got the glass and handed it to him. He put the glass in the machine and the machine poured it full of water.
“Here drink this.” Dr. Kobayashi said…
I grabbed the glass and took a sip of the water.
And then another zip.
And another…
Before I knew it I was chucking down the entire glass of water.
My body loved this. I felt it. Is this something special?
I wasn’t sure but my body seemed to know already. It felt good.
And over the next 30 minutes, the good feelings increased. I just felt good.
Hydrogen Allows The Body To Get Back Into A State Where It Can Naturally Heal Itself
What I now know about hydrogen water is that it gives energy to the mitochondria of the cells.
These are the powerhouses of the cells. When they function well, you feel vibrant and healthy.
Feeling that immediate positive response was my body getting more energy. It was absorbing the hydrogen water and producing more energy.
This is typically what people see when they drink the water for a while. My response was immediate. It can happen but for most it takes a couple of days.
After about 2-4 weeks people usually feel an increase in positive emotions and general well-being.
The biggest reason why hydrogen water is so effective is because it lowers inflammation by reducing the number of free radicals. Like I mentioned earlier this is absolutely essential for energy and good health.
Hydrogen provides powerful antioxidants and it allows the body to get back into a state where it naturally supports health.

Once the body isn’t taxed by all the inflammation it can do what it’s supposed to do and bring back energy to the cells to nurture them again.
Hydrogen water is also one of the best things you can do for your immune system. It helps strengthen the body's defences and boost energy.
It’s crazy how I now never even get a cold anymore.
I’ve seen this water have stunning effects on people who got sick with the flu. It supported them to recover quickly.
I didn’t know about all these things when I just drank hydrogen water for the first time.
Back then everything was still new to me.
I Was About To Discover How Powerful The Revitalizing Effect Of Hydrogen Water Can Be…
After drinking the hydrogen for the first time, Dr. Kobayashi asked me to join a longer experiment. This time I got to drink hydrogen water every day for a couple of months.
It just felt good. I wasn’t sure if it would help me with my low energy and inflammation.
But somehow I did start to notice the effects. I first thought it could just be because I was relaxing my mind and body. I mean could this water be that powerful? I wasn’t sure.
The weeks go by and my energy levels kept on increasing.
I was productive at work, I was going to the gym, and eating healthy. I felt amazing.
One day Dr. Kobayashi had the final check for the experiment. They basically measured how good you felt before the experiment and afterwards.
I filled out that I went from a 3 in energy to a solid 9.5.

Doctor Kobayashi was surprised and asked me personally how I was feeling.
I burst out in tears right then and there.
All this time I was trying to keep things together but this was just too much.
This kind doctor helped me solve this issue and now my energy levels were restored again.
It took me some time to let everything sink in. This truly was a miracle!
I Was Finally Healed But You’ll Never Guess What Happened Next…
After spending a couple more weeks in Tokyo and thanking Dr. Kobayashi about a million times, I felt an urge to go somewhere else.
I looked online and came across this cruise on the Caribbean.
I was healed and I felt so energized and youthful again so I was excited to see more places.

While on the cruise, I met a woman in one of the bars. She told me her name was Nathalie. After talking for a while, she mentioned that she was also struggling with low energy.
I felt really sorry for her and decided to share about my own struggles with low energy and how I managed to return to a natural state of health.
She was amazed by my story and I could sense that she was curious about hydrogen water.
I asked her if she wanted to try out the hydrogen water for herself. She said she’d definitely like to try it. I gave her a bottle and we parted ways.
The next day I started walking and met Nathalie again. She was standing on the deck next to the swimming pool.
“I drank the hydrogen water and it felt really good. I was reading all about it and it’s so fascinating.” Nathalie said.
Once the cruise ended, Nathalie and I kept seeing each other and started dating. A few months later she convinced me to go back to Tokyo and see Dr. Kobayashi.
Once back in Tokyo, Dr. Kobayashi was happy to see us and gave us some more of the hydrogen water.
Nathalie’s energy levels also returned after drinking hydrogen water every day for a couple of weeks.
We both wanted to keep drinking the hydrogen water every day. The problem was we couldn’t take a lot of bottles with us on the plane back. We had to think of something… but what?
I Can Remember That Moment Clearly. While I'm Sitting Here Writing This… I Can Remember That I had 3 Options:
I could move to Tokyo and live here for the rest of my life. This would give me direct access to the hydrogen water of Dr. Kobayashi.
I could try to save up $32,000 to buy all the parts of the big Anoroma machine and try to build one myself.
Or I could try to create a new and cheaper way to create hydrogen water. Something that I could easily use anywhere I was.
At that moment, it dawned on me. I have a background in engineering. If I could make machines for a beer factory, I might just be able to create a better hydrogen machine.
I mentioned this to Dr. Kobayashi and Nathalie. I did know that Nathalie had a background in product design. She immediately said she really liked the idea.
Dr. Kobayashi was also enthusiastic about this new idea and after a long conversation, we decided to work together on creating a new type of hydrogen machine.
We Set Out To Develop An Affordable Device That Would Allow Anyone To Create Their Own Hydrogen Water…
We tried to make a new portable machine to produce hydrogen cheaply. It was an unbelievable struggle and it took us a couple of years to come up with a working prototype.
I’ll spare you all the details but it was difficult to say the least.
Our first prototype failed the final tests… It was just not portable and effective enough to use.
But then Dr. Kobayashi and his team added a special type of technology called SPE/PEM and it suddenly worked.
We did it!
We didn’t want to keep this new invention just to ourselves. After testing it for about a year we decided it was time to share our creation with the public.
Introducing The LUMI+ Hydrogen Water Bottle
The LUMI+ is the world's first hydrogen bottle that is portable AND extremely effective at creating high-quality Hydrogen water.

The LUMI+ contains a filter that releases nano hydrogen bubbles into your water. Because of the help from Dr. Kobayashi and his team it is equipped with the latest and safest SPE/PEM technology from Japan.
People usually notice a boost in their energy levels and mental clarity in just 60 seconds.
The tiny hydrogen molecules will enter the body via the stomach and flow to whatever part they are needed most. These extremely potent antioxidants immediately start lowering the inflammation in the body, which can often feel like a feeling of relief to the person who drinks it.
After about 2-4 weeks people usually feel an increase in positive emotions and general well-being. They report waking up more energized and an overall improvement in mood.
And after 4-8 weeks people often truly start experiencing higher levels of energy and feeling more youthful. We often hear that the people around them start to notice they seem more vibrant and healthy.
It is not uncommon that people report looking better because of their improved vitality and lost body fat. This usually doesn’t go unnoticed by their friends & family because it can create quite the transformation.
After 8-12 weeks the revitalizing effects become more profound and even more noticeable. As miraculous it sounds, many people report having their lives back and feeling much younger again. It’s simple to understand because hydrogen water decimates the inflammation and gives the cells the energy they need to get back to a natural state of health.
To maintain the benefits of hydrogen water, you’ll need to drink it daily and a minimum of 4 bottles per day (1 liter á day).
And we are confident that it will produce similar results as mentioned for you*. And if for some reason it doesn't, we'll give you every penny back.
* Result may vary per individual... Some may take longer than 8 weeks (we have seen results after 16- 20 weeks)
The LUMI+ in Action
See our Hydrogen bottle in action - The ONLY hydrogen bottle you will ever need!
Here’s what some influencers had to say about it:
Benefits of drinking hydrogen water
Scientific research has proven the following powerful benefits of consuming hydrogen water daily.

Boost energy
Hydrogen water provides long-lasting and stable energy whenever we need it. It does so by giving energy to the mitochondria of the cells. These are the powerhouses of the cells that make sure each cell runs effectively.

Lowers harmful inflammation
The antioxidants of hydrogen water have been proven to attack the free radicals in the body that cause inflammation. This protects against stress and dysfunctions in the body that can rob you of your energy and health.

Reactivates natural state of health
Hydrogen water helps reactivate a natural state of health. It does so by lowering inflammation and supporting the mitochondrial production of energy. This can allow the body to get back to a state of balance.

Improves skin health
People who drink hydrogen water can see great improvements in their skin health. The hydrogen antioxidants can help repair the skin, reduce wrinkles, and give people a healthy and youthful glow.

Boosting Weight Loss
A side effect of drinking hydrogen water is being able to lose stubborn fat more easily. People have reported losing many pounds of fat after drinking hydrogen water for more than 12 weeks.

Protects you from stress
Hydrogen water has been proven to help protect you from stress. This is because it lowers inflammation and helps get enough energy to the cells to reduce stress in the body.
Why is the LUMI+ the best for making Hydrogen Water?

Lightweight and portable
The LUMI+ weighs less than 12oz (350 grams), which means it’s easy to carry around while doing daily tasks.

Easy to use
Just pour water into the LUMI+ and press the activation button. It will then make a fresh batch of hydrogen water within 5 to 10 minutes.

USB - Rechargeable
Charging point that’s 3X faster than the previous model. One charge lasts you 15 cycles. This will allow you to use your LUMI+ multiple times even when there’s no power around.

High levels of hydrogen
The LUMI+ is designed to deliver high levels of hydrogen. It can deliver up to 5000 ppb in 10 short minutes.

Multi-purpose Use (2-1 function)
The base of the LUMI+ can be docked with most types of mineral water bottles (30mm diameter). This means you can easily turn your favorite mineral water into hydrogen water.

Safe & Latest SPE/PEM Technology
The latest platinum SPE (solid polymer electrolyte) and PEM (proton exchange membrane) from Japan push 99% Nano Hydrogen bubbles into the water.
You Are Now At a Crossroads…

Most people tend to keep repeating the same patterns over and over again.
You can be one of those people and keep doing what you’ve always been doing and stay stuck exactly where you are.
This can mean that you continue to struggle with low energy, burn out, and declining health for the next year, the next 5 years, 10 years, or maybe even the rest of your life.
You can make this the day that changed everything.
You can become free from low energy issues starting right now. Imagine waking up in the morning feeling vibrant and healthy. Just think about what it would be like if you didn’t have any of those nagging symptoms torment you day in and day out.
Imagine feeling like you’re 10 years younger again and having the energy and freedom to do whatever you want to do.
Whether it’s playing with your kids or grandkids, playing your favorite sports, or just hanging out with friends or family without having to worry about your health.
You can take action right now and take the future of your health into your own hands today.
You can start to experience the energizing effects of hydrogen within a few short weeks. This means you could be one of the lucky few to bring your body back to its optimal state of natural health.
So which option will you choose?
Will you give yourself the gift of a body with vibrant health?
If so, then we have a one-time special offer for you:
Get The LUMI+ Now (Limited supply available)
The first time we sold the new LUMI+ we sold out within 10 days. We couldn’t keep up with the demand.
This is our second time offering this water bottle to the public. It’s strictly first come first serve.
We’re not sure how long the supply will last and we have lots of orders coming in daily.
So make sure to act fast if you want to get your hands on a LUMI+.
Here’s our one-time special offer:
* International shipping (outside of USA) may subject to custom duties & value added taxes which are not reflected in our prices. For order delivery timeline, please refer to FAQ below.*
This is a special offer and we don’t know how long we can keep it at this low and cheap price.
Think about it.
The device of Dr. Kobayashi had a price tag of $32.000. Compared to that the LUMI+ is a steal.
It’s also true that most people use the LUMI+ every day of the year.
This means you can get higher energy and vibrant health for just $0,62 per day.
Are your health and the health of your loved ones worth $0,62 per day?
Most people we talk to believe that this is a no-brainer.
And it doesn’t stop there. We even give you a full money-back guarantee:
You Are Covered By Our Money-Back Guarantee

You are covered by our money-back guarantee. If you’re somehow unhappy with your purchase you can let us know and we’ll give you your money back. Please see our return policy at the frequently asked questions below...
You can now place your order by pressing the button below and entering your details. We’ll make sure to ship the LUMI+ to you as fast as possible.
* International shipping (outside of USA) may subject to custom duties & value added taxes which are not reflected in our prices. For order delivery timeline, please refer to FAQ below.*
In case you have questions, I’ve collected a few of the most common ones here to answer:
Will hydrogen water work for me?
As you saw from customer testimonials and the benefits of drinking hydrogen water. It has endless benefits, and at every point, you will see the difference in your energy and health. Plus, to set your mind at ease, when you make your order, you will receive a free Hydrogen eBook that contains the research you need to be sure it’s backed by scientific facts. (See your FREE hydrogen PDF book- worth $27).
How difficult is it to use the LUMI+?
Using the LUMI+ is as simple as filling the bottle with water, press the button for 5 sec and let the membrane doing the work. The SPE/PEM technology within the membrane will push molecular hydrogen into the water (3000-5000 ppb) while the oxidative water down to the vent (at the bottom of the bottle). After that, it’s ready to drink and experience the endless benefits that it brings.
Which type of water should I use?
Please use only filtered or normal drinking water/mineral water. Do not use tap/ unfiltered or alkaline water
How long will hydrogen water stay in good concentration once its made?
For optimal efficacy, we recommend to drink it within half an hour of time to get the maximum effect of hydrogen water, so all hydrogen doesn’t evaporate! If hydrogen water is left out for more than 2 hours, it is recommended to run hydrogen generation again before drinking.
Is the LUMI+ safe?
Yes, the LUMI+ has been thoroughly tested for safety and efficacy. It has been used by thousands of happy customers now with excellent results.
Who is suitable for drinking hydrogen-rich water?
Everyone (stressed white-collar workers, sub-healthy people, athletes, beauty lovers, pregnant women, and people who need health care and anti-aging) can drink it freely.
Why hasn’t my doctor told me about this?
Unfortunately, the big supplement companies aren’t quite happy with our product and are doing everything they can to keep this information from the public. Doctors are often quite skeptical when it comes to natural health cures like these. However, we are trying our best to reach out to medical doctors and educate them on hydrogen and its healing properties.
What is inside the LUMI+ Water Bottle Box?
LUMI+ Water Bottle come with a full sets of Water Bottle (Lids, Body Glass and Base), a Type C-USB Cable that able to connect & charged with most phone (iPhone or Android )adapter and an user guide menu.
How do I clean the LUMI+?
To clean the glass you have to remove the glass from the base and lid. Then, place glass in the dishwasher to clean.
To clean the filter (membrane), you have to add 50ml water & 50 ml vinegar and use a brush (it can be a clean and unused toothbrush) to clean it for several times. We recommend using filtered water.
Note: Please DO NOT soak the entire base as the base is not waterproof.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes, your purchase of the LUMI+ is backed by a 30-day guarantee. If you somehow decide the product is not for you after ordering then we’ll refund your money. For more information on how to return the LUMI+, please visit our Warranty & Returns policy page.
Is there a warranty?
Yes, we do offer a 1-year defect warranty. If you have any issue with your LUMI+ hydrogen bottle, contact us at:
How long does it take for my order to arrive? How much the shipping cost?
Your order will be shipped out from our warehouse within 1-2 business days after receiving your payment. An email confirmation sent when your order has been shipped out. The shipment reaches your doorstep in the stipulated timeline below. We try to keep the delivery times as fast as possible but due to manpower shortage, there could be a slight delay (1-2 weeks).
USA :-
Standard Shipping: 4-8 business days [Free USA Shipping]
Standard Shipping: 6-14 business days [Free Canada Shipping]*
Rest of World:-
Standard Shipping: 12-28 business days [Additional Shipping Fee:$19.90]*
* Please note that the delivery time for international order (outside of USA) varies from country to country due to different custom regulation & clearance process.
* The custom clearance process may subject to duties, customs and value added tax which are not reflected in our prices.
Note: All items are delivered based on the tracking number. We will not held any responsibilities for losses of items that has marked as "delivered" but yet to receive by the receiver.
Do I need to pay custom duties for my order?
Not applicable for domestic order within USA.
International order:
Every countries customs regulations are different and International orders are subject to duties, customs, and value added taxes which are not reflected in our prices. The recipient will be responsible for paying these charges upon receipt of your order. Please check with your local customs office for those charges. Some countries may be assessed an additional handling fee for brokering these payments prior to delivery within that country. LUMI+ is not responsible for any customs, duties or import fees (GST/VAT) associated with receiving your order. In the event that the customs duties are not paid for and the goods are shipped back, any return shipping fees will be the responsibility of the recipient.
Scientific sources
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The High Costs of Low-Grade Inflammation: Persistent Fatigue as a Consequence of Reduced Cellular-Energy Availability and Non-adaptive Energy Expenditure [PMC free article]
Fatigue in chronic inflammation - a link to pain pathways [PMC free article]
Effects of 7-day intake of hydrogen-rich water on physical performance of trained and untrained subjects [PMC free article]
Hydrogen-rich water for improvements of mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function in daily life [PMC free article]
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